Summer Shooters

Summer Shooter Champions

2023 - Sarah Brand

2022 - Sarah Brand

2021 - Sarah Brand

2024 Leader Board Through July 14th - 71,334 Shots Taken

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Summer Shooters Program - 2024

  1. The goal is for each player to TAKE at least 4,000 shots before September 6th.  You can only count a maximum of 320 shots per day. (You can take more if you want!)
  2. This program is open immediately and final Shot Logs will need to be in by September 9th.
  3. Anyone who takes at least 4,000 shots will be awarded a JLK Summer Shooter 2024 T-Shirt.
  4. Shooters will be acknowledged at the following levels –
    1. 16,000 Shots – Platinum Shooter
    2. ≥ 12,000 Shots – Gold Shooter
    3. ≥ 8,000 Shots – Silver Shooter
    4. ≥ 4,000 Shots – Bronze Shooter
  1. The TEAM with the largest number of shots taken will earn a special practice experience and be acknowledged at JLK Day with the Alter Lady Knights as well as on our website and on social media.
  2. Overall and Team Leaders will also be acknowledged at JLK Day, website, and on social media.
  • Players are encouraged to report their progress by emailing their Shot Log to each Sunday.  Please provide the running total each week.  Handwritten or electronic is fine.  We will post a complete leaderboard each week.  If you include a picture or video, you’ll likely see it on our Social Media pages!
  • You can get a Shot Log Here - 2024 Shot Log

We are really interested in building good habits here.  So here are some guidelines –

  • While we encourage players to MAKE as many shots as they can, we really want them to get used to practicing their shot on a regular basis.
  • First and foremost, shots should be taken with good technique.  Most of our players have probably done form shooting at practice.  (One handed shots, working on good form, very close to the basket count as shots taken!  Mikan drill type shots do not count.)
  • All shots should be taken from a reasonable range for the players age, strength, and ability.  As the summer goes on and more shots are taken, the player should try to gradually extend their range while still comfortably making more shots than they miss.
  • Others may rebound for them.
  • You don’t have to count their shots, they should do that.  Please do pay enough attention that they are actually shooting, shooting with purpose, (not just throwing the ball towards the basket), and that they have spent a time reasonable enough for the shots they report taking.  Most players can take over  100 shots in 10 – 15 minutes, particularly if they are relatively close to the basket, or have a rebounder.
  • Encourage your player that some of their shots should be free throws.
  • Here are a few resources –
    • This is what we use most when teaching players -  Some of our older players might have been to one of their clinics when we have hosted them in the past.
    • Here is what Form Shooting should look like -
    • A Google search will indicate that there might be as many theories on shooting as there are basketball coaches.   If you find something else, please make sure it is something from someone reputable.


Abi getting up her shots with some expert coaching!

Brie getting her work in at the YMCA